Chapter 7Introduction


Chapter 7Readings


Chapter 7Primary Sources & Artifacts

Primary Sources & Artifacts

Chapter 7Activities 13

Activities 13

Chapter 7Activities 14

Activities 14

Chapter 7Additional Resources

Additional Resources

Chapter 7Conclusion


Chapter 7Finished

The End - Return to Contents


Posted in Chapter 7: The Myaamia Today (1990-Today)

You have been keeping your Myaamia Dictionary Journal for a while now and have probably learned to speak some Myaamia too. Choose one of the Mission, Vision, Values statements from Lesson 13, Language Theatre. Write in the Myaamia language a children’s story that expresses that value. Don’t forget to add illustrations! As you are working consider how you would share your finished story with someone younger than you to teach them about Myaamia values and the Myaamia language.

Click for PDF


Posted in Chapter 7: The Myaamia Today (1990-Today)

Think about your culture and how you have learned about your culture over the course of your life. Consider each of these cultural aspects and describe, to the best of your knowledge, how your culture addresses each one and how you learned about each one. For example, what foods do you eat? How did you learn to try those foods? If you identify with more than one culture, you can choose one or answer for multiple cultures.

Culture Web

What other aspects of culture affect your life?

Click for PDF

Chapter 7: The Myaamia Today (1990-Today)

Posted in Chapter 7: The Myaamia Today (1990-Today)

Recommended Grade Level: HS

Standards Alignment:

HS Ohio Social Studies Content Statements: American History - 1, 2, 3, 4; Contemporary World Issues - 3, 4, 6, 11, 12

HS Indiana Social Studies Content Standards: USH.3.6, USH.8.4, USH.8.5, USH.9.1, USH.9.2, USH.9.3, USH.9.4, USH.9.5, USH.9.6

HS Oklahoma Social Studies Content Standards: USHist7.2; OKGovHist5.5, 

HS ELA Common Core Literacy Standard: RH.11-12.1, RH.11-12.2, RH.11-12.7, RH.11-12.8, RH.11-12.9, WHST.11-12.1, WHST.11-12.2, WHST.11-12.4, WHST.11-12.5, WHST.11-12.6, SL.11-12.1, SL.11-12.2, SL.11-12.3, SL.11-12.4

Essential Questions:

How has the Myaamia culture changed over time?

Why are kinship and family relationships important to communities?

What is the value of the Eewansaapita Summer Youth Experience and other programs like it?

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Myaamia Center
All rights reserved.